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Training for Tactical Aircraft Maintenance in Mesa, AZ

Blue Road Enterprises is an all-in-one tactical aircraft maintenance provider in Mesa, AZ, offering training to technicians and specialists. Our trainees undergo advanced programs in maintenance and modifications for A-4N and TA4J aircraft, which are used to train pilots in red air adversary support for U.S. military operations. They become equipped to restore and enhance aircraft and meet any organization’s needs. Our leadership comprises of military aviation professionals with years of experience and skills. Our training programs are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and expertise they need to meet the needs of adversary support organizations.

disassembled plane in hanger

First-Class Training for Tactical Aircraft Personnel

We conduct all our maintenance training at our facility at Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, AZ. All technicians are trained at our one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art facility, where they learn and elevate their skills in military aviation maintenance and repair. Our training is comprehensive and rigorous. Trainees are held to the highest standards of excellence. Once trainees complete our training programs, they’ll be ready to service adversary support organizations with ease and professionalism. We currently offer the following training programs for those who need to improve their skill:

  • 80 hours of A-4 Type certification
  • 20 hours of specialized ALSE training for IG3 Escapac ejection seats

Take Your Skills to the Next Level

Blue Road Enterprises is dedicated to equipping the next generation of tactical aircraft personnel with the tools and skills they need to succeed. As a trainee, you’ll gain first-hand, real-life experience and face challenges head-on, learning how to overcome them and applying your knowledge to your future career. You’ll learn how to repair and modify A-4N and TA-4J aircraft, perform complex maintenance, and prepare them for adversary support. After completing your program, you’ll become an invaluable asset to tactical aircraft training organizations. We turn aspiring trainees into elite professionals who are prepared to fulfill military tactical aircraft needs.

Contact Us Today for an Estimate